2023-06-13T10:48:47-04:00junio 13th, 2023|Blog|

Autora: Zahira E. Soto Delgado, MBA Coautora: Dra. Rosaliz Santiago Ortega Universidad Ana G. Méndez Recinto de Carolina   Trasfondo En pleno siglo XXI, en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección laboral aún se presentan varios indicios de discrimen, antes, durante y después del proceso. En varias ocasiones se presenta lo que es conocido en


2023-06-13T10:37:27-04:00junio 13th, 2023|Blog|

Autora: Amalia M. Rodríguez Ortíz, MBA Coautora: Dra. Rosaliz Santiago Ortega Universidad Ana G. Méndez Recinto de Carolina   Trasfondo Desde que las sociedades escriben su historia, ha sido un reto para las mujeres el que le reconozcan su igualdad con relación al hombre en todos los ámbitos tanto en política electoral, educación y empleo.

The Leader as Coach

2022-06-23T10:01:42-04:00junio 23rd, 2022|Recurso|

by Herminia Ibarra and Anne Scoular Once upon a time, most people began successful careers by developing expertise in a technical, functional, or professional domain. Doing your job well meant having the right answers. If you could prove yourself that way, you’d rise up the ladder and eventually move into people management—at which point you had to ensure

Remote Work Has Opened the Door to a New Approach to Hiring

2022-03-15T11:37:56-04:00marzo 15th, 2022|Recurso, Blog|

by Adam Ozimek and Christopher Stanton Imagine a consultant telling a C-level executive in 2019 that huge swaths of their company could transition to remote work with only a few days’ notice, they would experience a productivity boost after an adjustment period, and many of those workers would not want to return to the office.

Looking for Knowledgeable Talent? Hire Your Customers

2022-03-15T10:43:00-04:00marzo 15th, 2022|Blog, Recurso|

By Susan Ladika   As employers scramble to fill job openings, some organizations are looking to hire new talent from among those who support them most—their customers. PetSmart has sent two e-mail blasts to its current customers in recent months announcing that the pet store chain was hiring, and has hosted two in-store national hiring days,

¿Qué es «La Gran Renuncia»? El movimiento pospandémico que explica el éxodo laboral

2022-02-02T16:46:46-04:00febrero 2nd, 2022|Recurso|

Millones de personas que renuncian a sus empleos expresando un malestar generalizado en la pospandemia. Se quejan de salarios bajos, precarización y agotamiento. (Martín Piqué) Síndrome del trabajador "quemado" (burn-out) por agotamiento, descontento por salarios bajos, rigidez y precarización en las condiciones laborales que ofrecen las empresas, impacto de la Covid-19, son algunas de las hipótesis

Nueva Ley de Salario Mínimo de Puerto Rico

2021-09-23T16:02:17-04:00septiembre 23rd, 2021|Recurso, Blog|

Por: Lcdo. Juan Felipe Santos, Jackson Lewis LLC / Coordinador de Asuntos de Gobierno y Legales, Junta de Directores-SHRM-PR Citando factores como la inflación, la desaceleración de la población, la migración y los efectos económicos a largo plazo del Huracán María y la pandemia de COVID-19, el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi firmó la "Ley de Salario

Future of Work: Ways of working in uncertain times

2021-08-13T14:16:22-04:00agosto 13th, 2021|Blog|

Increasing organizational resilience in the face of COVID-19 This perspectives piece provides insights for organizations that must explore new ways of working to sustain and thrive in uncertain times brought forward by COVID-19. Many companies have decided—or will soon decide—to perform all work virtually in response to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This has

Puerto Rico Extends Mandatory Vaccination to Dining and Entertainment Sectors

2021-08-13T14:06:25-04:00agosto 13th, 2021|Recurso, Blog|

By Juan Felipe Santos, Sara E. Colón-Acevedo and Maralyssa Álvarez-Sánchez Puerto Rico has made COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for additional industries after Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi extended vaccination requirements for employees in the health and hospitality sectors beginning August 16, 2021. Under new Executive Order (EO-2021-063), restaurants, theaters, and other establishments in the dining and entertainment industries must comply with requirements for

Companies Start to Explore Virtual HQs

2021-08-13T13:13:49-04:00agosto 13th, 2021|Recurso, Blog|

By Tam Harbert As companies move to a hybrid workforce, the race is on among vendors selling digital headquarters (HQ) platforms that bring remote and in-person staff together, for both official work and casual social interactions. "The concept of creating an enterprisewide metaverse has started to come up a lot" in discussions with clients, said Liz Kiehner, vice

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