Acerca de Aimee Correa

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Hasta ahora Aimee Correa ha creado 129 entradas de blog.

Tengo el corazón contento

Eduardo R. Lamadrid Aguilar, J.D., M.A.C. Director de Iniciativas Multiculturales-Puerto Rico Asociación Americana del Corazón La Asociación Americana del Corazón es un patrono que demuestra interés y responsabilidad en que sus empleados estén bien informados. Prueba de ello son las múltiples publicaciones electrónicas que envía a todos sus empleados, diaria, semanal o mensualmente. En una

2020-11-19T10:20:47-04:00abril 16th, 2018|Recurso|

Why getting the most out of your employees means coaching them

By: Grace McCarthy, Associate Dean, University of Wollongong Forget the gadgets and “lifehacks” to increase productivity, my research with Julia Milner shows that managers need to become coaches to get the best out of their employees. Coaching means many things, from simply listening to staff, to helping them set personal goals or understand the company’s objectives. When employees understand the

2020-11-19T10:20:47-04:00abril 3rd, 2018|Recurso|

Learning Organization Concept and Practices

By: Dianette Seda-López Have you ever implemented strategies that worked in other industries and the result was not the expected one? What did go wrong? It might have been implementing a practice which was part of a discipline, unknowing of what other aspects were essential to make it work. That might have happened to many

2020-11-19T10:20:47-04:00abril 3rd, 2018|Recurso|

How Should HR Respond to a Scandal?

By Lisa Nagele-Piazza, SHRM-SCP, J.D. HR professionals are typically responsible both for supporting the executive team and for advocating on behalf of employees. So what should HR do when a senior manager oversteps legal boundaries and the ramifications of his or her behavior affect the entire workforce? Inappropriate and unlawful behavior happens. A company leader may

2020-11-19T10:20:47-04:00marzo 15th, 2018|Recurso|

Es por la Vida

Por: Eduardo R. Lamadrid Aguilar, J.D., M.A.C. Director de Iniciativas Multiculturales-Puerto Rico Asociación Americana del Corazón Hace más de un siglo, el escritor Nemesio R. Canales comentó que con el desarrollo de la tecnología llegaría un momento en que quizás el ser humano tuviera tiempo para interesarse sinceramente por lo que piensan y sienten los

2020-11-19T10:20:47-04:00marzo 15th, 2018|Recurso|

María hace Evidente la Importancia de un Plan de Retiro

Por: Ángel De Jesús, Gerente de Planes de Retiro Consultiva Internacional, Inc. Los huracanes Irma y María, que tantos estragos han causado en el seno de la familia puertorriqueña, nos han mostrado otra razón por lo cual es importante contar con un plan de retiro. El 8 de noviembre de 2017 el Gobernador de Puerto

2020-11-19T10:20:48-04:00marzo 15th, 2018|Recurso|

Rethinking HR Structure

By:  Jeff Mike Organizational structure is a hot topic. Increasing customer expectations, team-centric operations, and the demands of staying ahead in a time of hypercompetition and massive change are forcing a much-needed rethink of how businesses structure themselves. The old hierarchal models designed for a “predict, command, and control” way of working no longer work and

2020-11-19T10:22:23-04:00marzo 15th, 2018|Recurso|

How to Investigate Sexual Harassment Allegations

Make sure you have the knowledge and training you need before any complaints surface. By: Dori Meinert The general manager of a Massachusetts car dealership testified at trial that he “honestly didn’t believe” a finance manager when she told him that her supervisor often commented on her anatomy, tried to throw coins down her blouse

2020-11-19T10:22:23-04:00febrero 23rd, 2018|Recurso|


Por Wilfredo Cosme, Presidente de RENOVA Solutions, Corp. Desde cuentas bancarias a perfiles personales, las contraseñas se han convertido en la opción predeterminada para verificar la identidad de un usuario. De hecho, muchos de nosotros estamos tan inundados de contraseñas, tanto en nuestro trabajo como en nuestras vidas personales, que nos enfrentamos a inquietantes opciones:

2020-11-19T10:22:23-04:00febrero 23rd, 2018|Recurso|

2018 HR Technology Disruptions – Infographic

HIGHLIGHTS The HR technology market continues to experience record growth—and near-continuous disruption. It’s an exciting time for investors and buyers alike. This infographic looks at the ten disruptions in the HR technology market likely to transform the overall landscape.

2020-11-19T10:22:24-04:00febrero 15th, 2018|Recurso|
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